Gold Twin Flame Coaching Energy Group Work - A Year Of Soul Alchemy

 Are you ready to embrace your divine light, and make quantum leaps into your next chapter of unity?

Let me tell you more about how - and for a limited time, join me to experience the first session at no cost.

 Are you ready to embrace your divine light, and make quantum leaps into your next chapter of unity?

For a limited time, join me to experience a free session at no cost.



12 months of advanced support, guidance and alchemy - rewiring and recalibrating on a higher level, to
unlock the true potential of your Twin Flame connection.
​What if you knew the exact way to Unlock your Dormant Soul Codes to Manifest Twin Flame Unity on all levels - NOW?

The truth is, "Heaven on Earth" is yours, once you learn to access the Templates and Codes...

The "Keys to the Kingdom" lie within YOU...

Your soul has the Power to Manifest your Union NOW...

But this is an Ancient and Advanced level of Alchemy few Twin Flames ever master...
 Today, I have an exciting
opportunity  to share with you!
For a limited time, I am offering the opportunity to participate in the first session of the Twin Flame Gold Coaching and Energy Work at no cost!

Then, if you choose, continue to journey with spirit and I in a sacred group setting, to transform your connection into a higher state with powerful, advanced energy work.

If you want to make massive quantum leaps happen on your journey, this is for you!

Breaking Through The 3d Twin Flame Ceiling
There are higher levels of Ascension and Unity which Twin Flames are MEANT to reach and live from...

But so many get stuck on the "lower levels" of awakening, where there are recurring struggles, karmic issues, outsider involvement, power imbalances, toxic patterns and more...

What this negativity really is trying to signal is, there is "rewiring" needed to shift you into a higher state!

Of internal templates, aspects of self and relationship codes, timelines, your reality field, multidimensional bodies and more.

So over the next 12 months this is the kind of powerful alchemical work we'll be doing!
Unlock Your Sacred Unity,
Activate Your Soul's Divine Codes
This will NOT be a standard "Twin Flame rulebook" coaching where you're told the 3D limitations and simple mindset games to manage your emotions, or ego driven sessions around a guru or mentor.

This WILL be a massively transformational, alchemical journey of love and shifting into a higher reality of unity for the long run - in a completely safe and high vibrational space.

This work is done with spirit and I, in a sacred container for your highest good. We'll be tapping into the expansiveness of the soul realms, ancient mysteries and codes, and your highest expression.

We will be using advanced spiritual methods, sacred knowledge, higher dimensional templates, channeled information that's delivered *just for the group* - and so much more.

You will be coached and guided by spirit and I every month, and receive spiritual guidance and answers along the way.

What People Say:
What We Cover in the 12 Month
Gold Membership Group:
  • Alchemy and the soul, your pre-life Twin Flame blueprint
  • Identity hacking to make your dream show up now
  • Twin Flame magnetism - activating the pull
  • ​Why most Twin Flame info will keep you trapped in karmic loops of suffering - and how to "hack" your journey into a higher level
  • ​Choosing your reality wisely - ascending into 5D and beyond
  • ​Mastering energy and magick - advanced "miracle" manifestation and the laws of the universe
  • ​Inner union and wholeness with self to manifest outer harmony
  • ​Divine Masculine/Feminine union - what it REALLY is all about and how to enter this state (discerning between mental understanding vs EMBODIMENT of unity)
  • ​Twin flame accelerated Ascension and tapping into the mission to call in support from the universe and the collective fields
  • ​Timeline warp jumping to make your ideal show up NOW
  • ​The mirror of reality - navigating to your highest potential and activating your biggest power, by shifting out of being your own worst enemy
  • ​Union templates - working with your Twin's soul "behind the scenes" to manifest togetherness (and how to properly LISTEN to their guidance)
  • Session #1: Opening To Infinity - Awakening The Power Of Your Soul. Why most Twin Flame info will keep you trapped in karmic loops of suffering - and how to "hack" your journey into a higher level.
  • Session #2: Embodying Inner Unity To Call In The Hieros Gamos
  • Session #3: Twin Flame Magnetism, Activating The Pull - Moving into a state of attraction.
  • Session #4: Masculine/Feminine Union - Divine Vs Toxic Templates 
  • Session #5: Decoding Your Pre-Life-Plan / Twin Flame Life Path Blueprint
  • ​Session #6: Timeline Warp Jumping To Show Up Your Ideal Now - Working In The Quantum Realms As A Twin Flame
  • Session #7: Identity Hacking, Your "Secret Inner Set-Point" - Are You The "Kind" Of Person Whose Dream Comes True?
  • Session #8: Higher Union Templates And Working With Your Twin's Soul And Guidance
  • Session #9: The Mirror Of Reality - "Reverse Navigating" To Your Highest
  • Session #10: Multi-Dimensionality - What Frequency Is Your Connection Expressing?Ascending Your Connection Into 5D And Beyond 
  • Session #11: Tapping Into The Twin Flame Mission/Galactic Support And Soul Activations To Unite Now
  • Session #12: Mastering Advanced Manifestation And Understanding The Laws Of The Universe - Using High Level "Magic" As A Twin Flame. 

Activations/Healing You Will Receive:
Each 25-60 minute Quantum Energy Healing and Activation session is made to use between coaching sessions. You also receive a comprehensive workbook for each training session.

  • The Magenta Ray and Unconditional Love
  • Pillar of Light Fortification
  • Source Healing for the Twin Flame Pair
  • ​Meet your Twin Flame Guidance Team
  • ​Time Warp Activation
  • ​Union Templates - Higher Levels/Dimensions
  • Identity Shift
  • ​Reality Field Rewiring
  • The Mirror - Alchemy, Activation
  • ​Centers of Knowing - Soul Activation
  • ​Karmic Reset - Dropping Out False Light Templates
  • ​Manifestation Ceremony
What you'll get in this gold coaching program:
  • Monthly group trainings with powerful shifts and alchemical work
  • Energy healing and activation sessions made exclusively for the group, to use between coaching sessions
  • Access to special tools and exclusive bonus content for your journey to use between sessions (chakra healing meditation, sound healing meditation, Twin Flame masterclass, alchemical journaling prompts and more)
  • Being in a group container of positive energy and receiving special support, light code activations, Twin Flame templates and more for accelerated Ascension and Union
  • ​​Learn from me, how to help yourself and other Twins if you wish in future
  • When we do this work together in a high vibrational group container where everyone is invested, we hold space in a powerful way - and with the higher realms - that each member of the group is uplifted and stabilized on a higher level. This will be a highly select group with potent energy.
Total Program value:
  • 12 x Monthly Trainings valued at $749 per session = $8988
  •  12 x Custom Activations And Healings Exclusively For The Group valued at $97 per session = $1,164
  • Spiritual channeled information and guidance x 12 months = "priceless!" (a psychic session costs regularly $350 per hour) 
  • 1 x 7 Minute Detox And Shielding - new guided session that’s never been released before
  • 1 x Twin Flame Masterclass - 40 minute workshop 
  • 1 x Gratitude Diary with Alchemical Journaling Prompts For Healing And Info On Manifesting Union
  • 1 x Chakra Balancing Audio   (Total Value $177)
  • PAY IN FULL BONUS 1: Twin Flame Secrets And Forbidden Knowledge VIP SESSION //90-minute an exclusive transmission with Cassady, on highly guarded and advanced subjects: Twin Flame sex, kundalini rising, remote climaxes, astral journeys, galactic beings, ancient societies and mysteries, and other deep esoteric subjects (Value $397)
  • PAY IN FULL BONUS 2: Cassady’s Twin Flames Power Habits Checklist (Value $25)
  • PAY IN FULL BONUS 3: The Self-Love Handbook (Value $25)
  • PAY IN FULL BONUS 4: Affirmations Made Easy (Value $25)
  • PAY IN FULL BONUS 5: Newly added 90 minute bonus session Q&A for your tuition (Value $999) 
  • ​Learn from me, how to help yourself and other Twins if you wish in future - "priceless" for your healing/coaching/psychic practice!

Total Value $10,801

Made available now for: $2597

Get the first session free for a limited time

4-12 month Payment Plans Available 

When you invest in yourself and your journey, you also show up and take in the shifts differently.

This fee - for a whole year of work - ensures that only those committed and ready show up, and that everyone in the group is available to this level of alchemy.

This is a highly select group with potent energy.

When we do this work together in a high vibrational group container, we hold space in a powerful way - and with the higher realms - that each member of the group and their Twin Flame connection is uplifted and stabilized on a higher level.

If you FEEL ready, but it's too much financially - look at where you might be missing something. And ask your guidance to bring you the funding somehow if this will benefit you. This happened for me with my first psychic development class, which opened to bring me to where I am today.

When something is truly guided, resources show up when you ask your guidance for help.

(And yes, there will be a payment plan option so you can pay in installments if wanted. You'll get this option after being approved for the group)
For a limited time, I am offering the opportunity to participate in the first session of the Twin Flame Gold Coaching and Energy Work at no cost!

Then, if you choose, continue to journey with spirit and I in a sacred group setting, to transform your connection into a higher state with powerful, advanced energy work.

If you want to make massive quantum leaps happen on their journey, this is for you!

Why Work With Me?
  • With years of experience in the Twin Flame subject and as a Quantum Energy Healer and Spiritual Intuitive, I have been a pioneer in using energy work for the Twin Flame connection since 2014, and am highly trained in how to deeply alchemize, harmonize and reunite Twins. 
  • I have a proven track record, and have helped 1000s of Twin Flames all over the world to release blocks, open to their higher divine connection of love and reunite.

  • Client wins include Twin Flames reuniting after running/separation, healing their troubled connection, getting married, moving in together, opening to their soul purpose, finally feeling at peace as a couple, having children after having been separated for years, and other major breakthroughs and "miracles".
  • I have intensively trained in and evolved powerful quantum energy methods to harmonize the Twin Flame connection. First, these guided methods made me able to unite with my own Twin Flame, and then I was asked to start teaching other Twins and share these techniques to help as many as possible reunite!
  • ​Learn from me, how to help yourself and other Twins if you wish in future - "priceless" for your healing/coaching/psychic practice!
  • Being a clear channel of spirit, using all the “clair” senses, I have spiritual "X Ray vision"! This means I'm able to identify each person’s blocks, guidance, soul purpose - and I can communicate with their counterpart’s higher self to bring across messages on the steps needed to reach Union, and more. 
  • With an academic background in developmental and depth psychology and sociology, I also have 1000s of hours of study in deep spiritual work and sacred, esoteric subjects.

  • As a Twin Flame myself, I have been through the connection and all its ups and downs, since my sudden awakening in 2013 - when my Twin Soul activated my heart and brought me to this most incredible journey! (So I've experienced first-hand what works and what doesn't)
  • Having reached a state of unity consciousness and entered into the Hieros Gamos, alchemical marriage, with my own Twin, I am uniquely able to transmit the sacred higher frequencies and templates for your benefit! 

(When you work with someone in a vibration of ego or conflict - separation consciousness - it can unfortunately drag down your own frequency or cause more issues of opposition and distance in your Twin Flame connection).

  • When we work together,
I treat you as the divine being you are, and help you shine YOUR light and tap into YOUR Twin Flame soul song. I do not act like a“guru” who demands worship or acts like they are better than you. 
  • In my work, I uplift you and we have FUN as we transform and alchemize higher, and I ALWAYS support your expansion and lifting into your most powerful, divine self!

Now, I would love to help YOU with everything I have learned along the way! ❤️

I would LOVE for you to be the next inspiring story of amazing transformation I get to share

I can’t wait for you to join me on this sacred adventure!

It’s time to unlock the miraculous path of divine union your soul is calling for: 

Go submit your application now and 
for a limited time, 

You can join me to experience a free session at no cost.

And I'll talk to you soon, beautiful soul! x


How does the free trial work?

Register for session one FREE with the discount code AWAKEN, then no action needed if you don't want to continue. You will not be charged, unless you choose to register for session 2.

Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions: email and the team will get back to you as soon as possible. We're here to help! 
If you want to ask questions, it’s best to do it live but the energy shifts will work even in the replays.
This depends on where you’re at right now and how willing you are to release old patterns that may have held you back - but I can promise you that things will have shifted into a higher level. We are doing a complete energetic rewiring into a higher level and you will learn so much that you can apply to continue improving your journey for the rest of your life - including in other areas such as manifesting, abundance, family, career and more. 
Yes, you get to ask questions during the calls! 

Will the replays be effective, or is it best to be on the call?

What if my Twin Flame is not interested in the connection/running/ghosting?

You can still shift your connection with this powerful energy work, as you are “one soul divided” you share an energy field. Their soul is eager to let you know THEY will be working with you, even if their “3D” self is not participating. 